55 years ago
july 4, 1963
School and church bells in Marion will ring out at noon on Thursday, the Fourth of July, in company with those of hundreds of other communities over the country, in a patriotic observance of Independence Day.
Marion City Commission has let a contract for the construction of a new water treatment plant with work to start about August 1. The new plant will be located just west of the present plant, on the same general site.
Francis May has been hired as a new relief policeman for the City of Marion. He formerly was with the body shop of Cook Motor Co.
Marion County girls were unanimous in their pleasure at being able to attend Sunflower Girls State at Lawrence. Several were elected to offices including Judy Broadstreet and Donna Hanschu of Marion, Shirley Johnson and Candace Batt of Florence, and Cynthia Washmon of Hillsboro.
Richard Varenhorst, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Varenhorst, Marion, is a member of the cast of “Mr. Roberts,” the opening production of Summer Theater at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. Varenhorst will play one of the brawling, hard-boiled crew of the navy cargo ship.
Martin Rindt of Lincolnville missed $150 in this week’s Cash Days drawing. The only winner was David Bowers of Marion who received $10. Richard L. Smith, Florence, missed $15; Mrs. Edwin Winter, Hillsboro, $5; and William Stewart Jr., Marion, $25.
Last modified July 3, 2018