• Last modified 787 days ago (Dec. 21, 2022)


DEC. 27, 1972

H&R Block opened an office in Marion this week. It will be operated by Mrs. Clinton Bentz of Lincolnville. The office is located between Marion Hardware and Dine Inn Café. It will be open daily during income tax season.

At a combination Christmas and retirement dinner Dec. 16 in Marion Municipal Building, Merle Smith received a pin for 24 years of service to the state highway department. He retired Dec. 21.

Arthur Lewerenz, Marion, charged with second-degree murder in the death of his wife, Susan, intends to plead temporary insanity at his trial Jan. 15. District Court Clerk Geraldine Seibel says she has been instructed a jury will not be necessary for the trial.

More than 100 hunters attended a New Year’s coyote hunt sponsored by Happy Hustlers 4-H Club. Seven coyotes were killed. Dinner was served by the club at the county lake hall.

For the first time in nearly 11 years, the entire family of Judge and Mrs. Henry Loveless was home for Christmas. Jerry and Darlene Loveless, Kellie and Cindy of Livermore, California; Marilyn and Glenn Waltner, Mike and Michelle of Denver; and Rose Marie and Fred Gray of Fairbanks, Alaska, arrived Dec. 22 to spend a week with the Lovelesses and their son, Gary, of Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Fike, Ramona, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carla Jean, to Stacey Collett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collett, Marion.

Funeral services were Dec. 18 for William A. Hein, who died Dec. 14 in a tragic accident at the Herman Oil Co. station he operated near Marion.

Bob Gayle has won a pool tournament sponsored by The Q Recreation, according to owner LeRoy Roberts. Finishing behind Gayle were Toby Moore, second; Doug Hague, third; and Bink Shipman, fourth.

Last modified Dec. 21, 2022