• Last modified 882 days ago (Sept. 15, 2022)


october 5, 1977

Sheriff June Jost received a plaque Friday from Phyliss Lonberger, state representative of the National Child Safety Council. The award was to recognize the sheriff’s efforts in safety education for children of Marion County.

This week’s personality profile recognizes Della Suffield, a brave little girl who rode a train alone from Denver to Lincolnville at age 6 and now at 91 is still a brave person.

Herbert E. Meier, son of Jacob Meier of Marion, has been named president and chief executive officer of Sheplers Inc., Wichita.

Mrs. Kassim Tabatabai of Bashrah, Iraq, called Friday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rendel Newsom. The Newsoms were happy to hear first-hand that their daughter and her family (which includes three daughters, Susan, Amina, and Muna) were getting along fine.

Bev Bezdek, Marion High School senior, was crowned queen of the 1977 homecoming celebration Friday night by Michael Fruechting. Marion lost the game to Herington, 34-13.

A supplemental insert in this week’s Marion County Record and Hillsboro Star-Journal by Irv Schroeder County Motors Inc. introduces the 1978 Oldsmobile line of Cutlass, Delta 88, Ninety-Eight Regency, and Starfire.

Several meteor showers and good viewing of four planets will highlight the skies in October.

Last modified Sept. 15, 2022