40 years ago
january 6, 1982
Don W. Hodson, M.D., a young family practice physician, has announced that he will move to Marion in June after completing a three year residency program at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita. He will locate his practice in the new St. Luke Medical Center building.
It didn’t take long to come up with a winner in the 1982 Marion County Record annual contest. Carla Glenn of Peabody gave birth to Kelsie Shawn at 1:26 p.m. Sunday at St. Luke Hospital. The 5 pound 11 ounce girl posed for her first picture Monday as she was held by nurse Debbie Britain.
Dorothy Varenhorst was named chairman of the Marion PRIDE steering committee at a meeting Tuesday morning. She replaces Margaret Pickering who has been chairman for the past three years.
Dr. John Slifer, Florence physician, and Albert Klenda, president of Hospital District No. 1, announced this week that the hospital district has purchased the Slifer Clinic at Florence. The purchase was effective Jan. 2 and includes the building and nearly all of the equipment and fixtures of the clinic located at 600 Main in Florence.
Gene Winkler has moved the Goodyear tire franchise downtown, across from the post office, into an attractive new building which will be faced with cut stone. Known as “Gene’s Tire Service,” the business is expected to be open within a week offering a full line of Goodyear products, retail and wholesale, as well as automobile maintenance service.
Marion Investors, Inc. will hold its annual membership meeting Monday in the Marion Chamber of Commerce office. Two directors will be elected for three-year terms. Directors whose terms expire are Bill Meyer and Bud Pierce. Other members of the board are Rosse Case, Dorothy Varenhorst, and Leland Heidebrecht.
Last modified Jan. 6, 2022