• Last modified 645 days ago (June 8, 2023)


June 16, 1993

Members of the band Liverpool are pictured as they performed “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” Saturday in Marion. The band performed renditions of Beatles classics, using accurate equipment, from a left-handed bass like Paul McCartney’s to glasses like John Lennon’s. About 300 attended the show, the official opening act of Marion Summerfest ’93.

Work is nearing completion in St. Luke Living Center’s expansion wing. Fourteen beds will be added by the project, scheduled for completion in mid-July.

Final Mass was celebrated Saturday in Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Tampa, and Sunday in Immaculate Conception Church, Burns. The Burns church will be closed. The Tampa church will be kept open as an oratory, or chapel. Eugene Gerber, bishop of the Wichita diocese, celebrated the final Mass at both churches.

Marion High School FFA chapter placed fifth in a state parliamentary procedure contest June 2 in Manhattan. Chapter members attending were D.J. Ehlers, Justin Groening, Kris Groening, Jared Herzet, Eileen Hett, Mandy Inlow, Matt Kukuk, and Michel Soyez.

A reunion of former students and teachers at Phillips District 9, Grapes District 54, Youngtown District 61, and District 56 was Sunday at Marion Senior Center. Fifty-one were present. The Adams family served as this year’s hosts.

Last modified June 8, 2023