• Last modified 705 days ago (March 9, 2023)


march 17, 1993

Pledges to help pay for making Marion County Courthouse fully accessible to those the disabilities topped $6,000 Monday. About 65 pledges for a total of $6,350 have been submitted.

Second grade students at Marion Elementary School were busy last week studying about the orient. Pictured are Skylar Bauman, Carla Carlson, and Ashlee Moore cutting and decorating pieces to be used to in a dragon that paraded through the hallways Friday.

Patients undergoing chemotherapy in battling cancer may now receive their treatment at St. Luke Hospital. St. Luke is the sixth hospital offering satellite treatment from Cancer Center of Kansas, Wichita. The first treatment in Marion was March 10.

Girl Scout cookie chairman Shirley Groening reports that “almost 2,000” boxes of cookies have been sold. Regina Martinez of the Cadettes sold the most, 235 boxes, followed by Steffanie Smith of the Juniors, who sold 224.

Marion Summerfest ’93 will kick off June 11-12 with musical performances by the bands Diamond Creek and Liverpool on the Central Park stage and a volleyball tournament starting the morning of June 12 and continuing all day at the volleyball court in Central Park. Prizes for a lip-synch contest June 26 will be $200 for first place, $100 for second, and $50 for third.

Last modified March 9, 2023