30 years ago
nov. 25, 1992
Janet Post of Burns and Emporia State University professor Jim Hoy entertained nearly 300 area farmers and ranchers Monday at the annual Farm-City Appreciation Night sponsored by Marion Chamber of Commerce.
Local students recognized by the state for academic achievement in math and reading include Corey Darrow, Renee Goodin, Molly Hanes, Stacie Hasenbank, Justin Hett, LeAnn Hiebert, Danielle Longhofer, Shawn Markley, Mandalee Meisner, Matt Schuler, Bill Shearer, and Audra Waner. Certificates of achievement were presented by building principals.
Cub Scouts from Den 3, Marion, discovered that heavy fire coats were just a little oversized for them during a recent visit to Marion’s fire department. Scouts James Davis, Andy Holt, Marion Martinez, Jason Matz, Matt Rhodes, and Sohale Vu toured the station with leaders Terry Holt and Craig Matz. Firefighter Jim Davis gave a demonstration and showed a video on fire safety.
Jim McLain, senior at Marion High School, has been chosen student of the month by the high school faculty. His parents are Larry and Linda McLain of Marion. Jim enjoys outdoor activities and plans to attend Butler Community College and pursue a degree in wildlife management.