• Last modified 697 days ago (Oct. 13, 2022)


OCT. 28, 1992

Marion County Home Care has a new van, a Dodge Caravan. The seven-passenger vehicle can carry equipment needed for home visits, according to Janet Herzet, director. Other staff members are Debbie Bryant, Mary Ann Conyers, Sharon Ewing, and Tierney Fredrickson.

The Marion High School girls cross-country team was runner-up at the state Class 3A meet Saturday at Wamego. Team members are Kay Summervill, Amanda Janzen, Jodi Bernhardt, Heather Koop, Pam Kruse (who finished second overall), Mandy Inlow, and Kim Kreutziger.

The only “Beary Special Baby” born during October at St. Luke Hospital was Tristen Renee Snelling, daughter of Danny and Tammy Snelling of Marion.

Willy’s Woolies & Friends holiday open house will be Nov. 7 and 8 at Marion City Building. Arts and crafts by Willard and Earline Hague, Ruth Ann Griffith, Joni Crofoot, Paula Barta-Moran, Gel and Kay Hague, Harold Wiens, Mary Sauble, Jerry Kimble, and Gerald Wiens will be offered for sale at this fourth annual event.

november 1, 1977

Marion’s cable television system will include three stations via satellite. City commissioners approved HBO, TBS, and CBN. The system also will offer WIBW, Topeka; two channels from Wichita; two from Hutchinson; and a local weather channel.

A lithograph of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gilbert, 205 N. Lincoln St., Marion, is displayed on the front page of this issue. E.W. Hoch, editor and owner of the Marion County Record at the time, built the home in 1885.

This week’s Personality Profile features Rachel Keazer, owner of RK Beauty Shoppe.

Kevin Burkholder, fourth grade student, and several classmates are pictured concentrating on fingering that transforms breath into music on a recorder. A music class taught by Jean Ney meets twice a week to play enjoyable songs on instruments which are among the oldest and simplest.

The Marion alfalfa mill, a branch of Western Alfalfa Corporation, has closed. Western Alfalfa representatives cite the high cost of energy as a reason for closing.

Helen Jackson, daughter of Pat Jackson of Marion, will play Mistress of the Novices in the one-act opera, “Suor Angelica,” Nov. 18, 19, and 20 at Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Auditorium at Oklahoma City University.

Last modified Oct. 13, 2022