• Last modified 846 days ago (Sept. 21, 2022)


OCT. 7, 1992

A combined 60 years of experience in the U.S. Postal Service was lost Friday when two Marion County postmasters retired. Harold Triggs retired as Florence postmaster after 28 years, and Carl Riggs retired at Burns after 32 years.

Members of the building and grounds crew from Butler Community College in El Dorado are pictured moving furniture into Butler of Marion’s new facility, the former Bown-Corby building in Marion.

“Beary Special Babies” born in September at St. Luke Hospital are Hayley Noel Jirak, born Sept. 13, and Kayla Marie Williams, born Sept. 30.

Joe Scharenberg, a lifelong resident of Marion, celebrated his 100th birthday Saturday at Marion Manor.

Brandon Gillett and Amy Brunner were named Centre High School homecoming king and queen for 1992 in ceremonies Friday. The Cougars won a wild homecoming game against Wakefield, 63-34.

The Bob and JoAnn Good family finished fourth in a competition on TV’s “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” Their video of a construction worker pounding a stake was shown Sunday.

Carl Anderson, Marion, is pictured with 65-pound and 80-pound Carolina-cross watermelons recently harvested from his garden. He planted the melons in June.

Rachel Janzen placed second in a national essay contest after placing first in the state contest sponsored by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. She is a freshman at Marion High School.

Last modified Sept. 21, 2022