30 years ago
aug. 5, 1992
Marion city commissioners discussed a proposal Monday to acquire the Bown-Corby school building so it could be used by Butler Community College. They will meet Thursday with Butler officials to discuss the proposal at length.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Broadstreet returned Saturday from Chicago where they attended the installation service of their daughter, Nancy Bowen, as president of the Pilot Club International.
Phyllis Melton was guest speaker at the July 20 meeting of Ourlserites Extension Homemakers Unit. The interesting program included many historical facts about Marion. She also displayed articles of interest found in the historical museum, located in the former Baptist church.
The latest entry in the Marion County Record Produce Derby is Irma Reznicek’s 9½-pound beet.
Gypsies, fairies, royalty, and dragons will appear on stage Aug. 15 at Marion City Building during the Marion-Florence Recreation Commission’s production of “The Sleeping Beauty.” The production is being directed by Cathy Whitaker, a former theater director in college. Lesley Sieger is assistant director. Anita Brookens is musical director. Characters will be portrayed by students from 3rd through 8th grade including Elizabeth Harrison, Josh Powers, Kristen Warnick, Kylie Williamson, Neil Thakker, Jim Helmer, Erin O’Dell, Holly Eddy, Ashley Gilbert, Dusty Sharp, Matt Powers, Arlene Tajchman, and Andrew Brookens.
Last modified July 20, 2022