25 years ago
my 15, 1996
Work begins Monday on the Marion County Courthouse accessibility project. Commissioners signed contracts Monday with Sunflower Building, Inc., of Manhattan. Completion date is Nov. 26.
Irene Kinsey has been chosen as resident of the month at Hilltop Manor where she has lived for over 15 years. She says, “I like living here because I’m not alone, and yet I have my own home. Irene worked as a housekeeper at St. Luke Hospital for 15 years, retiring in 1978.
Jeff Peterson of Manhattan won the Wichita River Festival Wheelchair River Run held Saturday in downtown Wichita. His time in the 10-kilometer race was 30 minutes, 39 seconds. The son of Dan and Linda Peterson of Burdick, he only started entering wheelchair marathons this spring.
Ethan Good of Marion was invited by Gov. Bill Graves to attend the annual Governor’s Scholars Award program May 5 in Topeka. The ceremony honors the top academic one percent of Kansas high school seniors.
John l. Moore of Marion will carry the Olympic torch for part of its trek through Kansas this week. Moore and several members of his bicycle association were selected to carry the torch on Friday 100 kilometers from Topeka to Emporia.
Exchange student Kikuko Higashino is the student of the month at Marion High School. She was a member of the MHS cross country team this season, presently has art on display at Butler County Community College of Marion, and earned second place overall at the CVL art festival out of 150 participants. Kikuko’s host parents in Marion are Doug and Joy Vogel.
Last modified May 12, 2021