• Last modified 4067 days ago (Jan. 4, 2014)


January 3, 1989

The tentative grand opening of Marion Hardware True Value and Gift is planned for later in January, according to owners Jim and Donna Fruechting. The new location of the business is at the corner of Third and Main streets.

Little Miss New Year arrived at St. Luke Hospital at 11:32 Monday morning. Azia Leigh is the daughter of Gerald and Rebecca Waner of Marion. She weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. She has two sisters to welcome her home, Audra Lynn, 5, and Amy Shannon, 4. The new baby was welcomed by several attractive and useful gifts donated by Marion businesses through the annual Marion County Record first baby contest.

Postmaster Larry Gultz presented Marion postal clerk-carrier Nova Bruner with an early Christmas present this year. She was presented a $250 check, an achievement award in recognition for her performance during the past year.

Marian Crofoot of Marion has been named to the board of directors of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Crofoot replaces her husband, the late John Crofoot, on the board. She is active in Western Associates and other businesses.

Haley Nielsen, daughter of Joe and Teresa Nielsen of Marblehead, Mass., was guest of honor at 3 p.m. Christmas Day when her second birthday was celebrated at the home of her grandparents, Rosse and Janice Case.

Last modified Jan. 4, 2014