aug. 29, 2007
Volunteers received permission Monday from Marion City Council to begin raising money to replace playground equipment at Central Park. The group’s goal is to raise $75,000.
Fourth graders Remington Putter and Dylan Pippin, students of Laura Baldwin, are pictured as they prepare to travel by boat downstream on Luta Creek to observe how matter, minerals, soil, and water travel downstream.
Upcoming wedding anniversary celebrations announced in this issue are those of Edward and Mary Costello of Marion, 60th anniversary; Don and Mary Ecker of Wichita, 50th; Alfred and Darlene Sondergard of Ramona, 65th; and Mark and Ginger Whitney of Peabody, 25th.
Four players on the Marion Middle School volleyball team won a challenge Saturday at a Wichita State vs. Kansas State University volleyball match at Koch Arena in Wichita.
They competed with four other teams to catch three volleyballs in an oversized pair of 4XXXX-size sweat pants worn by Balee Shiplet.
Shiplet’s teammates were Becca Williams, Erin Meierhoff, and JayDee Schafers. They received gift certificates to Fazoli’s restaurant and tickets to a future Wichita State match.
The congregation of Aulne United Methodist Church on Sunday celebrated completion of a new addition and classrooms.
Last modified Aug. 10, 2022