• Last modified 1048 days ago (March 31, 2022)


april 11, 2007

Temperatures hovered in the low 80s the beginning of last week, but by Thursday noon snow began falling and blanketed much of Marion County by the end of the day. Photos on the front page show tulips and other flowers standing tall under the weight of wet snow. Youngsters like Michaela Regnier (pictured) at Marion Elementary School had the unusual experience of digging through the white, wet stuff to find Easter eggs.

Seven children gathered Friday afternoon at the home of Laurel Gilbert to dye Easter eggs. There were Lily Lundy, William Holt, Taylor Fahey, Tyler Arocha, Tori Shults, Bryce Shults, and Kaitlynn Goebel. Val Goebel and Ann Holt assisted with the party.

Paul Hodson recently attained the rank of Eagle Scout and will be recognized for his achievement April 22 at Marion Presbyterian Church.

Big changes were made at Marion Auto Supply during the past week. The business is now associated with NAPA Auto Parts that will offer more parts and provide faster service.

Former Wichita residents Tim and Heather Risinger recently moved to Marion and opened Vision Quest Computers in the northwest corner of TC’s What Not Shop at 901 E. Main St. New computer equipment, computer repair, networking, and online auction assistance are among the services that are offered.

Last modified March 31, 2022