• Last modified 612 days ago (June 14, 2023)


june 21, 1878

The proposition to macadamize Main St. in Marion Centre was tabled by the council last Monday night, or rather action upon it was postponed until the regular meeting in July, which we regard as equivalent to a full and final defeat of the measure. We are sorry. With all due deference to the many influential gentlemen who protested against the project, we still believe that the defeat of the enterprise is unwise, that the difficulties in the way are largely imaginary — molehills and not mountains. The time will never come when this work can be done without inconvenience to some, nor do we believe that there will ever be a better time to commence it that now. “Where there’s a will there’s a way” applies as well to cities of the third class as to individuals.

On the 11th of this month of June, Mr. E. McCoy, near Marion Centre, ate ripe peaches from his orchard, and on the 17th brought four large, luscious ones to this office. They were seedlings and measured 6½ inches in circumference. These peaches are rivals of the Amsdem, as to early maturing. They were cling-stones.

Doyle Creek was on a regular rampage last Monday, the highest it has been since the settlement of the county.

Mr. A.E. Case of this city favored us Tuesday with several cherry “limbs” richly laden with nice cherries. Mr. Case says that where cherry trees grow so rapidly and thrifty, and yield so richly, everyone should cultivate a few trees. And in this, Mr. Case’s head is eminently level.

Last modified June 14, 2023