• Last modified 701 days ago (April 13, 2023)


april 19, 1878

Last Saturday, a frightful tornado struck the Cottonwood Valley, exhibiting itself in its destructive fury first at Cottonwood Station, where it blew a train of freight cars from the track, demolished a dozen houses, killed one women (named Miller), and wounded 15 or 20 others, some of them very seriously. From Cottonwood, the storm seems to have followed the railroad to Emporia, doing great damage in Lyon County.

Messrs. Jex and Groat are cutting stone for their Newton contract. It will be ready for building and shipped to Newton in cars.

Just think of it: grain heading on the 15th of April. A month ago, we predicted that there would be wheat harvested in Marion County in May. Mr. Price informs us that he has wheat heading out, and Col. Bates has brought us some rye already headed. We will have to set up in the prophet business, we see plainly.

Splendid grazing for stock now. Mr. Grimes has “taken the field” with the town herd of milk cows.

Mrs. Tamlet is closing out her stock of goods and wishes to say that now is your chance to get bargains. If you want anything in the millinery line or anything in the way of ladies’ or children’s apparel, notions, etc., call at once. Cheap, cheap, cheap is her motto.

S. Shipley’s team ran away last Saturday while attached to a plow and fearfully mangled one of the horses.

Last modified April 13, 2023