• Last modified 1073 days ago (Feb. 16, 2022)


february 17, 1882

Jake Brumbaugh, road master, is putting down the boss street crossings. Solid stones, four feet wide.

The costumes for the masquerade ball will be here on the morning of the 21st, giving ample time to make your selections.

The glare of garden fires illume the nights. People are impatient for Spring. But be careful. Burning trash, these chilly nights, is fruitful of colds.

District No. 2, Clear Creek, having one of the best new school houses in the county, is now “figuring” on the furniture—and has the money to pay for it.

The parties who have been borrowing Mrs. Stanforth’s chickens are respectfully requested to make their call a little earlier in the evening, that they may be more easily identified

The iron jail cells are being placed in the old court room. This will put a stop to bills coming in against the county of “expenses of transporting prisoner to jail,” and cost of keeping in other counties.

A lot of hoodlums annoyed the lecture audience at the M.E. Church Tuesday night by rattling the shutter slate. Several gentlemen went out to stop them. But each time the little rascals scampered away, only to return in a few minutes to repeat the mischief. We believe this is the first time an audience has been thus disturbed in Marion, and we hope it will be the last. It will not be tolerated. If parents don’t keep their boys at home of nights, or in some way keep them out of such mischief, they will be mortified to find them in the calaboose one of these times.

Last modified Feb. 16, 2022