• Last modified 1125 days ago (Jan. 13, 2022)


january 13, 1882

After writing and telegraphing and tearing around generally, we have only been able to learn, and that not till yesterday, that our press has been shipped. When, we can not learn. It is enough to make an angel mad, and we’re not an angel.

Wm. Brumbaugh has nearly completed his new house.

Dan Thompson grinneth on account of that bouncing new boy at his house.

Buff Jones is putting in a foundation for a new residence in the north part of town.

The county treasurer is now snugly ensconced in his new and comfortable quarters, ready for business.

Jas. Hinchcliff is building the brick chimney for the hew mill. It will be thirty feet higher than the building.

Our new street commissioner, Jacob Brumbaugh, is doing good work, putting in new crossings and patching up the streets.

That miserable, rickety old bridge across Muddy creek, at this place, is a disgrace to the whole county.

School District No. 2 (Clear Creek) has a new school house which is said to be one of the very best in the county, outside of the towns. It is built of stone, and is in size 27 x 43, with 12-foot ceiling. Parks and O’Brien were the contractors, and one of the Board informs us they have done an excellent job, and on very reasonable terms.

Third street, from Main to the Court House, has been macadamized this week. It will probably be completed to the railroad in a short time.

There will be a 10 cent social at Rogers Hall Thursday evening, January 19th. Music, readings, and games. All are cordially invited.

From twenty to twenty-five car loads of stone, per day, is being taken out of the rock cut south of town and delivered along the railroad for ballast.

Last modified Jan. 13, 2022