140 years ago
december 30, 1881
We announced last week that no RECORD would be issued this week, but to make a necessary publication we are compelled to issue this diminutive sheet.
If one imagines that this has been a week of leisure with the RECORD force, that one is awfully “off.” It has been the busiest week of the year with “all hands.” Our new type has all been “laid” and everything is ready for the enlarged paper. But the new cylinder press has not yet arrived, and we may be compelled to issue the paper again next week in the old form, in which event we’ll feel like chewing nails. The press was due on the 20th last.
Ten Cent Social at Presbyterian Church to-night, Friday. Music and Refreshments. All are invited.
Corbett and Brown have just received a car load of very fine northern potatoes. Special prices on 5 and 10 bushel lots.
Myers reputation as an oyster cook is one thing that makes his place of business such a popular resort. The fact that he serves the best variety of oysters in the market, at the lowest possible price, helps his boom along, also.
The finest line of autograph albums ever displayed in Marion can be seen at Ridgway’s drug store.
A No. 1 yoke of work oxen, 9 years old, for sale at my place. Weigh 3,600 pounds, are well broken, Easily draw a fourteen inch breaking plow. John Murphy, on Mud Creek.
Sullenger & Leechman have opened up a restaurant in the rear of their grocery store where they will always hold themselves in readiness to cater to the wants of the inner man, at all hours. Day board at reasonable rates. Fresh oysters always on hand and served in any style.
Last modified Dec. 29, 2021