• Last modified 2413 days ago (July 3, 2018)


july 5, 1878

Battey’s most excellent Band went down to Florence last Wednesday with the reception committee to meet Governor Anthony, and the boys acquitted themselves admirably. They were the only uniformed Band among the four in the county that day.

Thanks to Mr. C.R. Roberts for a dozen nice roasting ears brought in last Wednesday. Corn large enough to eat on July 3rd is what we call early.

“Misfortunes seldom come singly,” as Dr. Hannaford can testify. Early last week he lost a very promising fine blooded colt, the breeding of which cost him about $100. On Saturday morning, he witnessed the death of splendid young stallion, Gorgon, the fine young 3-year-old Hamiltonian stallion which he had recently imported from Kentucky at heavy cost. Returning to his home he arrived there just in time to see his son Roger being brought in with a broken ankle—the latter having been thrown from a horse a few moments before with the above result. The doctor is an able physician, an enterprising citizen, and a genial gentleman. We are sorry to record his triple misfortunes.

There was a row in Florence last Thursday night in which several fellows got butchered up a little.

Matrimony has so altered and amended the appearance of His Honor Costello that ex-Mayor Gordon mistook him for the Governor of Missouri Tuesday.

Last modified July 3, 2018