• Last modified 660 days ago (Oct. 5, 2022)


Oct. 21, 1887

The failure of some necessary belting to arrive in time prevented the lighting of Marion by electricity last Saturday night, but the electrical light was turned on Monday night, and everything worked like a charm. The number of lights will be increased as soon as globes and other necessary fixtures arrive.

The Record has for years contended that the stone supply with which nature had so richly endowed this vicinity, inexhaustible in quantity and unexcelled in quality, is sufficient in itself if properly developed to sustain a good town. Contracts have been made the past week by which the Nienstedt quarries, covering 160 acres north of town, have been leased for 10 years. This means constant employment for hundreds of men and a good-sized boom for Marion.

Ladies are especially requested to call and examine Mrs. Tow’s new stock of Toboggans and Sailors, just received and very elegant.

Mr. W.S. Moulton discovered last week that pesky mice had nibbled the covers off of nearly all his “Hand Books of Marion County,” which he thought he had carefully stored away in a drawer. Perhaps some other persons have the same valuable books similarly exposed. Better see about it.

Mr. H.S. Hutchinson and wife were among Marion’s contribution to the Kansas City presidential reception last week. “Hutch” says Grover is “a very common looking man.”

Last modified Oct. 5, 2022