135 years ago
june 10, 1987
The school board has called a meeting at the high school house on the 17th of this month to consider a proposition to sell part of the vacant school property nearest the Luta to the water works company for their standpipe. We trust all our citizens will investigate this subject thoroughly between now and then and be present at the meeting, prepared for an intelligent discussion of this important question and for wise action thereon.
The city council has ordered the Santa Fe to put in crossings on Washington, Sycamore, Main and Santa Fe Sts., and the Rock Island was ordered to put in crossings on Jefferson, Washington, Santa Fe and Main.
Wheeler Brothers have on exhibition at their store a sample of silk reeled in their presence by Mr. Horner at the new state silk station in Peabody, together with a lot of cocoons from which the silk is made.
Florence Bulletin: The church edifice dedicated at Marion last week by the Methodists is worthy the pride of any town in this section of the State. By courtesy of Clerk Walton, we viewed its interior on Thursday, and its plan, finish and furniture are exceedingly pleasing. The architecture is Queen Anne in outline but rather ornate in detail. The whole interior is suggestive of purity of taste and sentiment, and altogether the building is an imposing one.
Old settlers hereabouts were delighted Monday to grasp the hand and look into the familiar face of A.W. Callen, better known as “Old Grizzly.”
Last modified May 25, 2022