• Last modified 442 days ago (Aug. 2, 2023)


aug. 7, 1913

A little 5-year-old girl who lives on the hill stepped up to Dr. Eye the other day and said, “Doctor, the next time you have a little girl baby to send to anyone, I want you to leave it at our house. And, I don’t want one that can talk. I want to teach it how to talk myself.” And, a little while after that, hearing of a little girl that was to be placed in another home, she made a trip across town by herself to see if she couldn’t have it.

Chas. O’Bryant, the new harness man, is selling team cord fly nets at a very low price. It will pay you to buy now for next year. He also will trade nets or other merchandise for second-hand work harnesses.

Mutual Telephone Co. has just finished putting in 1,300 feet of cable — replacing separate wires — and plans to put in several hundred feet more.

Standings of teams in the Sunday school ball league show the Presbyterian team leading the league with 8 wins and 6 losses. The Methodist team is second with 7 and 4, followed by C and E, 6 and 6, and Baptist, 2 and 10.

Why don’t you call and get that fountain pen you left at this office — whoever you are.

The brewers have begun their fight against the new federal law concerning interstate shipments of liquor into dry territory. The old thing dies hard, but it will have to die. National prohibition will be here inside of 10 years.

Last modified Aug. 2, 2023