110 years ago
january 7, 1909
Wednesday evening of last week a number of congenial spirits tripped the fantastic for a couple of hours in the rooms formerly occupied by the Masonic lodge in the YMCA building and they report a great time. Sheldon’s orchestra furnished the music. After the dance the company enjoyed supper at the Silver Moon Café.
A fire alarm was sounded Tuesday — a small blaze north of the Free Methodist church.
There is more sentiment now in Marion in favor of the waterworks and electric light proposition than at any time since the subject has been discussed. The ordinances providing for the voting of bonds have been approved by the Attorney General and appear in this issue. We believe the bonds will have a good majority.
Last Monday the Marion Bottling Works changed hands. C.L. Watson is the new proprietor and in a short time changes and additions in the building and equipment will be made, considered necessary to handle the new business that will come with the opening of the spring and summer trade. The residence property was also purchased of Mr. Hett.
Last modified Dec. 28, 2018