• Last modified 2271 days ago (Nov. 19, 2018)


november 26, 1908

Chet Johnson has moved his rock crusher from the quarry north of town to the Main street hill opposite the high school building. It is the purpose to work up that deposit of rock for concrete work and it helps the city cut the street through at the same time.

During the past week, a great deal of furniture of the Elgin hotel has been packed for shipping to New Mexico where Mr. and Mrs. Doran will establish themselves in the hotel business.

Dave Pollitt took advantage of the V.E. Healea & Co. special piano sale and this week bought a nice piano for his home.

J.H. Jost, chiropodist, will be at the Cottage Hotel all next week. He removes corns, warts, bunions, and moles painlessly, all work guaranteed. Ingrown toe nails treated. Mr. Jost will call at your home when requested.

A pair of tan corduroy trousers were lost between Marion and Pleasant View last Saturday in the wrapping of a local dealer. Please leave at this office.

One of the prettiest entertainments ever given in town will be the children’s’ part at the Baptist Bazaar Friday and Saturday evenings. Under the direction of Mrs. J.N. Rogers and Mrs. V.M. Tilson, it will be worth many times the price of admission.

Last modified Nov. 19, 2018