110 years ago
july 9, 1908
The retirement of W.H. Morgan from the active management of the Peabody Gazette removes from the Kansas newspaper field one of the “old timers” and one of the most respected members of the Kansas editorial fraternity.
We are glad to report that the old settlers’ reunion and setting of the monument at the original Lost Springs station on the Santa Fe Trail was a grand success on the Fourth of July.
The sidewalk ordinance appears in this issue—look it up—it’s of special interest to you if you own property in Marion.
Lost—a pinch bar about two feet long, Tuesday, between the marble works and the Santa Fe depot. Please return to Fred Frobenius.
V.E. Helea & Co. are moving their pianos, organs and sewing machines into the room with T.W. Butcher, one door east of Loveless & Sons store.
Arrangements are being made to hold an old soldiers’ reunion in Marion this fall for this congressional district.
Class No. 2 of the Christian Sunday school lead by H.M. Gillmore, gave an ice cream social at the park Wednesday evening, the proceeds to be used in purchasing new song books for the church and school. The social was well attended.
Last modified July 3, 2018