July 13, 2011
Relentless, blistering heat and drought are exacting an increasingly costly toll on Marion County — a toll being paid both in human terms and in economic terms.
Heat and lack of rain sent firefighters from Marion Hillsboro, Tampa, and Ramona into burning fields six times within four hours Monday. The calls continued Tuesday morning.
Marion Swim Team took second place Saturday in the Mid-Kansas League championship meet at Lindsborg. First place went to the Lindsborg team.
Tampa native Amanda Baxa, a fourth-year medical student at Kansas University of Medicine in Wichita, is receiving hands-on training in Moundridge for four weeks. Purpose of the program is to expose medical students to community-based medicine in rural Kansas communities. Former Tampa residents Lynn and Peggy Kleiber of Salina are her parents.
The grand opening of Midway Motors Supercenter in Hillsboro is Friday and Saturday, July 15 and 16.
The City of Marion public works director position has been abolished since Harvey Sanders has retired. Longtime employee Christian Pedersen will be in charge of the electrical department sans the title and a pay increase.
Centre High School senior Theo Kassebaum recently participated in Newman University’s investigative summer science program. One of 21 participating students, she chose rocketry and cardio pulmonary health for her topics of interest. Bill and Jennifer Kassebaum of rural Burdick are Theo’s parents.
The Cottonwood Valley All-Stars won the 10-and-younger District 4 Cal Ripken tournament Sunday in Hillsboro. The team was undefeated in the four-team tournament. The team will compete Thursday through Monday in the state tournament in Oswego.
Last modified July 15, 2021