november 25, 2009
Marion Community Christmas organizers say Angels with a child’s name, age, and gift suggestions will be displayed at businesses after Thanksgiving Day.
Donors may select an angel, purchase a gift, and leave it at participating businesses. Gifts will be collected closer to Christmas and distributed to those in need of assistance.
What would it be like to be a probation officer? Jo Olsen of Lincolnville knows. She is the Marion County community corrections officer for the Eighth Judicial District. She helps clients on probation to seek help and get back on the right track.
Coaches Jason Wheeler and Mike Calhoun are pictured with the undefeated fourth grade Warrior flag football team.
Players include Payton Harms, Corbin Wheeler, Riley Hake, Cooper Garman, Garrett Hoffner, Tyler Makovec, Evan Calhoun, Jarret McLinden, Jack Schneider, Janzen Garman, and Jacob Vonderkamp.
Marion hosted a United States Bowling Congress 9-Pin No-Tap tournament at SherBowl Lanes Nov. 7-8 and 14-15. Jimmy Rudolph rolled a perfect 300 game, making 12 strikes in a row.