• Last modified 2047 days ago (July 1, 2019)


july 4, 2009

Marion County may need to change the names of several north-south roads, Road and Bridge superintendent John Summerville told county commissioners Tuesday. State law will require road signs have letters at least six inches tall beginning in May 2012.

USD 408 superintendent Lee Leiker was a popular target in a dunk tank Friday evening and is pictured as he reacts when a competitor hit the target and he is about to be dunked.

The dunk tank was part of several attractions at a downtown sales promotion Friday evening.

In this week’s issue, cards are requested for the birthdays of Amelia Vinduska, who will be 103 July 10, and Agnes Bina, who will be 90 July 18. Also, for the 50th wedding anniversary of Peggy and Leo Blackman, which their family will celebrate July 11 in Kansas City.

Countywide activities planned for July 4th include Peabody’s 88th annual celebration and fireworks extravaganza and “Redneck in Ramona,” daylong entertainment that begins at 8 a.m. with a two mile run/walk and ends with fireworks at dusk.

Last modified July 1, 2019