• Last modified 836 days ago (May 25, 2022)


june 7, 1917

The Record’s big feature this week — the publication is full of the county registration list —necessitates several sacrifices. Among them, leaving out the heavy editorials. But, war is a terrible thing, and our readers must bear up bravely until next week.

The class of music that will be played by the Marion Band at their open-air concert on Friday evening of this week is far above that presented by an ordinary small-city band.

The inside of the Marion National Bank has been repapered and newly decorated the past week.

The second flood here this season came last Friday night, and on Saturday at about 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the water reached its highest. It was not nearly as high this time as before, and none of the business houses was flooded. The Cottonwood was responsible for most of the trouble this time.

On next Monday evening, the members of the Brotherhood and their wives are to meet at Central Park at 4 o’clock and from there walk to a picnic grounds in the south part of town — just south and east of the “High Bridge”—where they will have a time! Each man is hereby ordered to bring enough eats for two people, and he is not to let his wife know anything about what he is taking. The mere women are to have nothing to do with planning or providing the eats—understand? Coffee will be furnished “on the grounds.” Also, no fussy clothes permitted.

Last modified May 25, 2022