105 years ago
may 10, 1917
Henry Stoewe and Henry Collett of the Elk neighborhood had a narrow escape from drowning last Thursday morning. While crossing the ford on the north branch of Middle Creek, they were caught by the current and carried downstream. Both jumped from the buggy and swam ashore.
A new bank — Farmers and Drovers National Bank —probably will be open for business the first of June or very soon after that. Fixtures are all here and ready to be installed as soon as a new floor is completed.
Geo. McKay has been appointed city marshal by the city commissioners to take the place of F.N. Hannan, who expects to move to Kansas City.
Leland Thompson is the first of Marion boys accepted onto the eligible list for officers’ training camp to be notified to report to Fort Riley. Many of the Marion boys have received notice of their being placed on the eligible list but have not been notified to report.
Again, the Record must record the passing of one of the town’s fine pioneer citizens—W.H. Roberts, or Henry Roberts, or “Hank” Roberts, as his many friends called him. The story of the life of Henry Roberts is pretty much the story of Marion as he came here with his parents in 1863. The family homesteaded just west of town in 1863.
Last modified April 27, 2022