• Last modified 899 days ago (March 23, 2022)


april 5, 1917

Don’t forget “Loyalty Day” exercises at 3 o’clock tomorrow. The procession will form at the stone arch bridge and march to W. Main St. and back, and if the day is favorable, the brief exercises will be held on the street at the post office corner. Let the occasion be an expression, in unmistakable terms, of the patriotism and loyalty of the people of Marion and surrounding country.

“The Resurrection,” an Easter cantata, will be presented by the union chorus and orchestra Sunday evening at the auditorium. C.C. Brooker is director and Mrs. V. M. Tilson, accompanist.

The Sandberg Drug Store is being moved this week to the new location, the Carpenter Building, across Main from the old location, and the Review is moving to its new location, three doors east of the post office.

Josiah Good was re-elected mayor Tuesday, by a vote of 309-185, against E.R. Dean.

Last modified March 23, 2022