100 years ago
march 9, 1922
The big Record contest for the Buick car closed with a mighty close finish Friday night. Miss Olivia Huenergardt of Lehigh took the first place with a total of 8,027,850 votes. Bob Florer of Marion was not far behind with a total of 7,622,550. Dan Socolofsky with 6,603,300 was third. The contest added a great number of subscribers to the Record’s list. The Record, already with a wide circulation, now completely covers the county.
The Marion Pharmacy has about completed further interior improvements which greatly improve the appearance of the room. The cabinets and fixtures have all been repainted. Frank Sklenar has been doing the work.
John Rozalsky, Henderson, Nebr. and Mary Wall, Hillsboro.
John Rierson, Peabody, and Georgie Potter, both of Peabody.
John Warkentin, Hillsboro, and Louise Schmidt, Goessel.
Archie L. Good and June Pearl Guyet, both of Peabody.
Rex W. Spears and Marjorie Finney, both of Oil Valley.
A dual debate will be held tomorrow night, Friday, between Marion and Burns High schools.
Contracts, let for three county bridges Thursday afternoon, went to the following:
The bridge northwest of Durham went to the Yancey Const. Co. for $8,636.70.
The bridge which will replace the bad one south of Aulne over Catlin creek, went to the Pioneer Const. Co. of Kansas City for $6,400.96.
The Southers Const. Co. of Yates Center secured the contract for the bridge over Mud Creek north of Marion. This bridge is to be a rainbow arch concrete bridge and the cost is $9,943.50.
William Jennings Bryan is doing the cause of education a high service in demanding that the schools eliminate from their curriculums evolution as a scientific account of man’s origin.
Last modified March 3, 2022