• Last modified 954 days ago (Dec. 15, 2021)


december 22, 1921

The City Light and Water plant has been paying its way and making a nice profit during the past year. Mayor McIntosh is greatly pleased over the showing that the plant has made and is confident that within the next year the earnings of the plant will be sufficient to take care of extensions at the plant which are becoming a necessity owing to the increased number of customers. The town should be especially proud of this showing in the face of the fact that citizens here are paying a very much lower rate for light and power than in almost every other town in the state—almost half as much as many.

The turkey race put on by Mullen’s store Wednesday attracted a big crowd. The turkey which was thrown off the top of the Mullen store building flew straight down the street with the crowd after it and finally landed on a ledge on the Marion Pharmacy building. Wm. Graves and friend succeeded in capturing it.

A marvelous achievement of science was casually referred to in the news columns of the Record last week, as any ordinary event would be mentioned, so common have these wonders of modern science become.

An enterprising young boy, George Baxter, son of Alvin Baxter, invited a few Marion friends out to his place, a few miles from town, to listen to a Wichita piano recital over his wireless, and the simple news item says “they heard it very distinctly and enjoyed it very much.”

Nothing surprises anybody these days.

A red letter day in the history of Burns was observed Dec. 16 when the splendid new High School building was dedicated. Aside from its value as a school building this splendid edifice provides a most desirable meeting place of the numerous community activities.

Last modified Dec. 15, 2021