100 years ago
december 15, 1921
The Community Chorus composed of all the church choirs and other singers will give a Christmas song service and cantata at the Methodist church next Sunday evening, December 18th at 7:30. All the churches will unite in this service under the direction of the church choir leaders, Miss Blanche Kelley, conductor; Mrs. Arthur Martin, organist; Miss Viola Thompson, pianist.
The engineer’s plans for the new water works plant have been approved by the state department. Only a few very minor changes were recommended, and the calls for bids will be made shortly.
Children of the lower grades of the city schools attended a show at the Garden Theater Friday afternoon given by the Fire Clown.
Marion native Harry Rogers is developing a fine show teaching lessons in fire prevention to children of impressionable age by means of a clown stunt.
The show is designed to rivet their attention by the antics of the clown and at the same time to fasten in their minds, unconsciously, knowledge of the causes of fires and preventative measures.
It’s the time of the year when everybody is shoving into the background the differences which have arisen in the twelve months past and is feeling the urge to do something for his friends, and for the needy. It’s the time of brotherhood and good fellowship
Marion stores and business houses have taken on the atmosphere of the Christmas holidays. Windows are filled with all manner of Christmas goods, many of them have been decorated in clever, artistic ways and special counters inside are loaded down with gift goods of such a wide variety that anyone can find something which will appeal to his fancy
Last modified Dec. 9, 2021