• Last modified 1225 days ago (Sept. 30, 2021)


october 6, 1921

Marion people will be given a chance shortly to decide whether or not the town wishes to have an adequate supply of soft water. At the meeting last night at the court house, which had been called by the City Commissioners for the purpose of explaining a system of water purification and its cost, a motion was unanimously passed asking the Commissioners to call a special election for the purpose of voting a bond issue for that purpose.

Marion football fans witnessed a great game last Friday afternoon when the Marion High School team won from its heavier opponents, the Emporia High School team, by the decisive score of 16-0.

There will be a dance in the new Hall east of Pilsen on Monday night, October 10. Music by Bosh’s Orchestra. Everybody Invited. Committee.

Marion’s fine new High School building is looming. It is going to be a beauty.

The four Sunday schools of Marion had an attendance of 901 last Sunday morning. The German Baptist had no session on account of the Strassburg meeting.

There will be a chicken pie dinner given by the W.R.C. (Women’s Relief Corps) next Saturday, October 15th, in the basement of the Courthouse.

Thieves attempted to blow open the safe at the Standard Fillling Station Tuesday night but were unsuccessful. Nitro glycerine was poured into the safe through a crack over the door and a cap was exploded but the nitro inside did not explode. Only a small amount of money was in the safe at the time.

Last modified Sept. 30, 2021