• Last modified 1450 days ago (March 25, 2021)


march 24, 1921

Mr. J.J. Propp’s pretty bungalow on Lincoln Avenue is nearing completion. The building is 30x42, with cellar under the whole of it, cellar drainage, laundry, fruit room, with all modern improvements above, and with a 300 barrel cistern, handsome garage, neat chicken house, etc., that make this a very attractive addition to the town noted for its beautiful residences.

Hillsboro has been connected with the power line from the United Power & Light Co. of Abilene. This company supplies about 65 towns through the central part of Kansas with electric current. Workmen are now building the line east from Hillsboro which will supply Florence when completed.

County Engineer Walters has completed the drawings for a large bridge across the Cottonwood river a couple of miles east of Florence and the plans have been approved by the State Highway Commission. The bridge will serve a large traffic to the oil fields. It will be a steel bridge 170 feet in length.

Twenty-seven schools and possibly some more that are not reported have served hot lunches for the pupils during this school term. Menus consist of such dishes as potato soup, vegetable soup, baked potatoes, cocoa, and hot corn bread and butter. No time is taken from the school work for the preparation of the food. The work is done at recesses and noons.

Senator Charles W. Thompson and family are at home. Mrs. Thompson and daughter, Miss Theo, say they enjoyed their legislative stay in Topeka very much. The Senator richly earned the plaudit of the people of this district. “Well done good and faithful servant.”

County peace officers had a busy day Wednesday, gathering in a total of four guests for the county jail. Three were brought from Florence and one from Peabody—two for larceny, one for forgery, and one for receiving stolen property.

Last modified March 25, 2021