• Last modified 1864 days ago (Dec. 31, 2019)


january 1, 1920

Mr. David Greenemeyer of Lincoln, Nebr., has opened a bakery in the stone building between first and second streets, formerly occupied by Waller’s Café. He started baking on Thursday.

Mr. Fred Propp is starting work on the erection of a fine home in town, on lots just south of the Jacob Batt residence on Cedar street. This will be one of the most attractive streets in the town when the pavement is completed.

Miss Helen Kreger and her pupils at District No. 50 have earned fifty dollars for school improvements since school began.

A sand table has been purchased, also a long work table, new charts, two teeter totter boards and a baseball, glove, and bat. This school will soon be ready to standardize.

Will Siebert purchased a new Essex touring car this week from the Jacob Batt agency

Mrs. Dickinson of the Elgin Hotel entertained her guests on Christmas eve at a Christmas tree with remembrances for all and afterward a social hour in the dining room, which was decorated for the occasion.

Last modified Dec. 31, 2019