• Last modified 1855 days ago (Dec. 23, 2019)


december 25, 1919

Rosse Case has letters from Mrs. Koepke and Mrs. Bittner of Crustal Falls, Mich., widow and sister of the traveling salesman who was killed in the fire here two weeks ago, expressing very deep appreciation for the way in which Marion people responded with help for them. Mr. Koepke was a young man of 32 years of age. The widow and four little children from one to four years of age are left in very moderate circumstances.

The game of basketball between alumni of the high school and the regular high school team Monday night resulted in a score of 41-16 in favor of the alumni. DeVaughn Dean, Maurice Miesse, Sam and William Frazer, and Alex Case composed the alumni team.

NOTICE! The fire department and the phone companies ask the public to refrain from calling Central to inquire the location of a fire for at least 5 minutes after an alarm.

A large audience heard the excellent cantata given at the Methodist church Sunday evening by a chorus composed of members of the several churches of the town.

The music was conducted by Frances Fey with Mrs. Arthur Martin at the pipe organ, and Miss Viola Thompson at the piano.

Last modified Dec. 23, 2019