MARION: Second grade - taught by Susan Hall
Second Grade
Taught by Susan Hall
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had a great year. I will bake cookies for you. This year I would like a phone that is real. It has a blue back. I want it to be a Samsung. From,
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a great year. I will bake you wild reindeer cookies. I would like a Baby Alive, me and my sisters’ bunk bed to get built, Pokemon Squeezamals, and Hatchimals. From,
Dear Santa,
How are you? I am fine. I would like a phone, squishys, and a stuffed dog for Christmas. Please drive safe. Love,
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Santa. I want an Ipad.
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had a great year. I baked cookies for you. This year I would like some horses. I would like some chapter books. I would like a painting kit. I would like a bow and arrow dart gun. I would like a camera. I would like a coloring kit.
Dear Santa,
I would like for Christmas is a real iPhone and Hoverboard. I want fake flowers in a hair bow the colors of the rainbow.
Dear Santa,
I hope you will not miss my house. Santa, will you not get me a BB gun this year and why did you get me it? Can you write me a note on my present. I would like a Songbird. You got me books last year.
Dear Santa,
I hope you had a great year. I baked cookies for you. This year I would like a new American Girl doll Hoverboard set.
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had a great year. For Christmas I would like a new big bed please. And a new coat, please.
Dear Santa,
I made you cookies. I hope you had the best year ever. I would like a L.O.L. house. Please, Santa, a tablet please and a new trampoline. I want a new Barbie house. Please, Santa can I have a new coat? Santa, can I have a new Christmas dress? Please, an L.O.L. Big Surprise, please and stuffed puppies, please.
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had a great year. I want a phone that is real for Christmas. I want an L.O.L. Big Surprise.
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had a great year. I got you milk, cookies for you. I would like an NFL football for Christmas. I would like a bigger bed for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I hope I was good this year. If I was, I want a drone, and a real phone, and an attachable Nerf gun. I will make cookies for you.
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had a great year. This year I baked cookies for you. Santa, for Christmas I want a new puppy, calendar, camera, and lots of chapter books.
Dear Santa,
How are you? I am fine. I would like invisible spray for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
How are you? I am fine. I would like a BB gun for Christmas. I also want a dirt bike and a 4-wheeler. Thank you,
Last modified Dec. 23, 2019