• Last modified 5126 days ago (Feb. 9, 2011)


police report

Officers conducted follow up investigations and traffic stops, worked on reports, and provided vehicle identification number inspections.

Jan. 23: A welfare check was provided. An attempt to steal gasoline was reported.

Jan. 24: School zones were patrolled. A dog complaint was checked. An officer met with a business owner regarding a delivery. A welfare check was provided. A dog was picked up for running at-large. A transient was escorted to U.S. 50. A truck was reported on the dike.

Jan. 25: School zones were patrolled. A dog was picked up for running at-large. An officer met with a concerned citizen and with the county attorney regarding cases.

Jan. 26: School zones were patrolled. An officer met with the county attorney and attended court hearings. An individual was fingerprinted.

Jan. 27: School zones were patrolled. Officer attended court hearings. An out-of-control student was reported at OASIS. Emergency medical services personnel received assistance with a call. An officer responded to a report of a disgruntled citizen at City Hall. A civil process was served. A theft was reported. Streetlights were checked. A domestic dispute was investigated, resulting in an arrest.

Jan. 28: School zones were patrolled. Officers attended court hearings and met with a citizen regarding a littering complaint. A parking complaint was checked. Response was given to a dispute at OASIS. Possible child abuse was investigated. A suspicious vehicle was checked. A civil process was served.

Jan. 29: A hit and run accident was investigated. Some found property was returned. Assistance with a complaint was provided to Prairie View. An officer met with a resident regarding a civil process. Criminal damage to property was reported. A resident met with an officer regarding a barking dog. A telephone harassment complaint was filed.

Jan. 30: An attempt was made to serve a civil process.

Jan. 31: Officers responded to a report of a child walking around in her pajamas in the cold. School zones were patrolled. An out-of-control student was reported at OASIS. A notice to appear was served. A reckless driver was reported. An officer met with the county attorney regarding cases.

Feb. 1: Credit card fraud was reported. A 911 hang-up was checked. A domestic dispute was investigated, resulting in an arrest. Assistance was provided to a driver whose vehicle was stuck in the snow.

Feb. 2: A parking complaint was checked. An officer met with a concerned citizen regarding a question about their driver’s license. A concerned business owner met with an officer regarding parking. A non-injury accident was investigated. An attempted burglary was reported.

Thursday: School zones were patrolled. An officer met with Social and Rehabilitative Services personnel. A resident met with an officer regarding a civil matter. Assistance was provided to EMS personnel on a call. A parking complaint was checked.

Friday: School zones were patrolled. A 911 hang-up was checked. A parking complaint was checked. Officers responded to a burglary. A resident met with an officer regarding suspicious activity. A protection from abuse violation was reported.

Saturday: A civil process was served. Officers conducted weapons maintenance. A resident met with an officer regarding a civil matter. A non-injury accident was investigated. EMS personnel received assistance with a call. Transportation was provided to a resident. A resident met with an officer regarding a parking complaint. A reckless driving complaint was checked.

Officers issued 14 warning, four notices to appear, and made three arrests.

Last modified Feb. 9, 2011