• Last modified 1881 days ago (Dec. 23, 2019)


MARION LIBRARY: Marion library

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year for my parents. For Christmas, I would like an Our Generation Appaloosa horse, horse trailer and stable and a Brain Teaser game. I hope you have a good Christmas. I’m in the fifth grade. I do need another box of 12 or 24 count colored pencils.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Geomags magnetic building set, Sphero mini programmable robot ball, and a voice catcher. I have been a good boy this year.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Transformer Combiner, Lego set, and mini Transformers. I have been a good boy this year.


Dear Santa,

I want any kind of Legos. Hot Wheels are fun. Please bring me a sled.


Dear Santa,

My questions this year are: do you love horses and do you own any? This year I wish for any Breyer toy horses and a sled. What I really wish for this Christmas is a real horse, a pony if you can’t get me a horse but I prefer a horse. I made you a gift.


Dear Santam

This Christmas both me and my brother are combining our presents into one. We want a Nintendo Switch for our family. We have both been nice this year, well, at least me; I don’t know about Ryker. I hope you receive this and have a good rest of the year.

Jaxon and Ryker Salsbury

Dear Santa,

I want a Barbie Dream House, a kitten, a fake spiderm and a baby doll for my sister. I love Christmas.


Dear Santa,

I am 7 years old and I live with my daddy and brother. I have been good this year. I would like to have football cards, gear, and gloves; Nerf gun; drone and a million dollars for my daddy.


Dear Santa,

I would like a Super Mario Odyssey video game and Skylander Imaginators Elements: Fire, Undead, Air and Dark.


Dear Santa,

I hope you have a safe night and all kids were good this year. I am 6 years old and would like you to leave my presents at my daddy’s house. I will be there this year. Something I would like are: two packs Pokeman cards, a science kit, and pens so I can write a lot of stories and letters. I would like a dog. Merry Christmas,


Dear Santa,

How do your elves make toys or do you make the toys? Do your reindeer really fly? I have been trying to be a good kid for Christmas. I would like a pencil holder, baby stroller, and a doctor set. What do you want for Christmas?


Dear Santa,

I’m sorry for all the bad things I have done I hope you have a nice Christmas. Can you give me a remote control truck? Love you.


Dear Santa,

I wish that I could have Boxy Girls for Christmas. I also wish I could have a Hoverboard. I have been working on being a good girl. How do your reindeer fly? I will be in Colorado for Christmas at grandma’s.


Dear Santa,

I am 8 years old and live in Marion. I have been a very good friend, sister and good girl. I have a few special Christmas wishes. They are: make my family happy and glad, a certificate for horse riding lessons, a cowgirl hat and other things. I am very excited for your visit! I promise to leave out some cookies for you to snack on! Please give my favorite reindeer, Rudolph, a huge hug for me! Happy holidays! Your pal,


Dear Santa,

I am 11 years old and live in Marion. I have been trying really hard to get on your “nice list this year. Some of the wonder things I have done are: watching the twins, being a good friend, and being nice to my toys. I have a few special Christmas wishes. They are: high hat drum set, squishies, money or gift cards (for horse riding lessons), glow in the dark football, Nintendo Switch, phone, puppy, and a camera. I promise to leave some food for you to snack on. Please give my favorite reindeer, Comet, a huge hug for me! Happy holidays! Your pal,


Dear Santa,

I am three years old and have been very good this year … well, except the part where I kissed a boy at daycare. Oops! I have learned to start helping mom and dad clean the house. They like that! For Christmas, I would like a guitar. I LOVE music! I also would love a new purple or pink bathrobe. Thank you so much! Hope you get some good treats.


Dear Santa,

I love you. For Christmas I would like a 3D dinosaur and a radio. I would also love puppies and LOL dolls. We will leave cookies for you.


Dear Santa,

I would like a dinosaur toy, new ball, baby doll, and a paper Christmas tree to paint. I’ve tried to be good this year.


Dear Santa,

I want a baby doll, bubbles, an Elsa doll and toys, and a Barbie and Barbie Dream House.


Dear Santa,

I want a baby doll, Barbies and Barbie Dream House, and Elsa toys and doll.


Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this year! I have been a good helper at school. I sleep in my big girl bed in my bedroom this year too! And I help my mom do dishes. I won’t fight with my sister, Ava, this week, probably. I want a Barbie grocery shopping set for Christmas, please. Merry Christmas, Santa! I hope to see you soon! I hope everyone in the world gets to eat good food on Christmas and spend time with their families!


Dear Santa,

I would like a big Kit Kat bar, blue bunny rabbit, baby doll, pony, baby Kit Kat, and toys. Grandpa will leave cookies and milk for you.


Dear Santa,

I love you, Santa! Is Mrs. Claus baking a lot of cookies? I’ve been a good girl this year. I would like a football and a Crybaby doll this year. Can you bring my brothers a cool toy too? They have been kind of naughty, but they are trying to be nice.


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I want a big Barbie house, a mermaid, and a sparkly pillow for my bed.


Dear Santa,

I want a dollhouse, maybe a doll, some clothes and a big family dinner.


Dear Santa,

Me and my sister want Frozen 2 toys for Christmas. I would like LOL OMG dolls. My sister, Evalie, would really want the Frozen toys.

Gwen and Evalie

Dear Santa,

Are your elves working hard? I want a new bike with pedals, please. I’ve been a good girl.


Dear Santa,

My name is Daved. How are your reindeer doing? I’d like to have a giant airplane for Christmas.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a camera, MP3 player, Desenders 3 books, film, gift card, books, country CDs, and last but not least, my BIGGEST WISH is for my daddy, Chad, to come home for Christmas!


Dear Santa,

I love you! Thank you for the candy cane and coloring book. I would like some Legos, a toy volcano, and a remote controlled helicopter.


Dear Santa,

I want a Baby Alive, mermaid, and hair chalk. Thank you for the candy canes.


Dear Santa,

I hope I was good this year. If I was good this year, I would like an attachable Nerf gun and a drone, please. Do your reindeer really fly?


Dear Santa,

I have been very good. Can I have Calibo Critters and Scribble Pets, please? How many elves do you have?


Dear Santa,

I have been trying to be good and I think I have been. For Christmas, please may I have a Nerf gun and new marbles?


Dear Santa,

I would like a horse and a unicorn and for him to come to my house and bring a horse and yogurt! Thank you.


Dear Santa,

I would like a Color Me doggie, L.O.L. Amazing Surprise Box, new color pad, and on OMG doll. But I really want to spend time with my whole family.


Dear Santa,

Can I have a Dino Dina toy, please, with dinosaurs. Be safe flying, don’t crash. Thank you,


Dear Santa,

I want a cookie jar with stripes on it, a toy that you put toy cookies in. I want a coloring book and markers, a hippopotamus and tiger! I also want some new Barbies!


Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I would like monster trucks, Hot Wheels, a fishing set, and a new shooting target. I promise I’ve been a good boy this year, Santa! Can’t wait to hear back from you.


Dear Santa,

I have been good. I want for Christmas a pink doll.


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. Can you bring me a Power Ranger Megazord action figure? Please bring me a blue Power Ranger too. Thank you,


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a bike and cars.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like TREX.


Last modified Dec. 23, 2019