• Last modified 2238 days ago (Dec. 24, 2018)


MARION: Library


Dear Santa,

I am 2 years old. This year I have been nice. I try hard to use my manners. Some of the things I love are Paw Patrol and the “Charlie the Ranch Dog” books. If you are too busy, I would love to have a special Paw Patrol toy and the “Troll” movie. Thank you for all you do! I hope someone brings you something special, too! Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I have been a good boy this year. Things I have done to be on the nice list are: 1. I let people play with me. 2. I help Ms. Julie at school. For Christmas I would like a toy dinosaur, a big tank, a helicopter, and also a rainbow hat. I will leave out some cookies and milk. Also a toy Mario, please. Your friend,

Jaseson Taylor

Dear Santa,

My name is Koleman. I am 3 years old. I have been a good boy this year. Things I have done to be on the nice list are: 1. I played with Dotty and Ruger. 2. I share my toys (sometimes). For Christmas I would like a Greatest Showman costume with the hat and the stick. I would also like a new swing. I will leave you a sandwich and pop. Your friend,

Kolemon Taylor

Hi, Santa,

I love you like I love Jesus. I like you. I’ve been nice all day. I promise to be good but I’ve been a little bad. I would like for Christmas a toy thermometer, rnament on the tree, a new jacket for my baby dog Harvey, Spike and Ember dragon toys, and a telescope. Can you give my cousin Blaise a toy too? Your friend,

Zillah Holub

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Rapunzel doll, Maximus, Polly Pocket, and Barbie dream house. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

How are you? I am good. For Christmas I would love to have the 4th and 5th Key Hunters, jeep for my American Girl doll, horse trailer for my horse that hooks to the jeep, the movie Mommamia 2, new note book, art kit, paints, cup stack game, jump rope, Baby Alive, and matching outfits for me and my American Girl doll. Also a L.O.L. doll and a new stuffed animal. Tell your reindeer I said hi and I will have carrots for them. Have a good Christmas, Santa and Mrs. Claus. Your friend,

Izy Branson

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a Polaroid camera and a security camera for me and Izy’s room, and a Big Surprise. Your friend,

Lexi Branson

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a LOL doll, a Baby Alive and a gerbil, a American Girl doll, a robot girl, a Elf on the Shelf, and if you can get me all of that stuf, it is OK. Your friend,

Lanie Branson

Dear Santa Claus,

I would like a L.O.L. Bigger Surprise, Monopoly Cheaters Edition, Nintendo Switch, L.O.L. Live Surprise, Harry Potter coding wand, Jeff Dunham tickets, and a mermaid fin. Your friend,


P.S. Ela is so funny.

Dear Santa,

My Christmas list is American Girl doll stuff, Barbie stuff, a Kiddy Buzz phone, a bracelet maker, a bath boom maker, a coloring kit, Surprizamals, new pajamas, new Christmas ornament, something to hang on my wall, Pomsies, and a little live pet sea turtle. Thank you. Have a good Christmas.

Brylee Smith

Dear Santa,

I want a football suit and pads, too, for Christmas. And a helmet. I would also like a smart watch with a camo case. My elf’s name is Skippy. Your friend,

Cooper Smith

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas, I wish for you, Mrs. Claus, elves, and reindeer to have a wonderful year! But of course there has to be other things. So this year it would be Hatchimals, Colleggibles Tropical Party Play, L.O.L. Surprise Biggie pets, and McHammy, L.O.L. balls, and L.O.L. Under Wraps doll. Have a nice Christmas! Your friend,

Reagan Cooper

Dear Santa,

I wish for a Ninja Turtle set and firemen. Your friend,

Grant Cooper

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want Resistance, Strays Like Us book, makeup, lip balm bath bomb, nail polish, Nintendo 2DsXL, anything unicorn or gift cards to Justice, Walmart, Starbucks, and a metalic Starbucks coffy cup.

Cheyenne Voyly

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want Paw Patrol, tea and food set, clothes, shoes, and books.

Clarissa Hall

Dear Santa,

I would like book games and candie for Christmas. I am praying that you have a jolly holiday delivering toys to children around the world. Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Adam Margritz

Dear Santa,

I would like a “go car” and building blocks for Christmas. Thank you, Santa. Your friend,

Talon Soo Hoo

Dear Santa,

This year at Christmas I am going to tell you things that I would really like for Christmas. I’ll pat cookies for you. A iPhone, street basketball, a game basketball, a basketball book, bag a football, ankle braces, and everybody to have a home, food, clothes, and water! Merry Christmas!

Carson Krause

Dear Santa,

I am 8 years old. I have been good this year. I would like L.O.L. dolls, baby dolls, a pup, PoopsiePooeyPuitton, Slime Surprise kit, Hairdorables dolls, L.O.L. Surprise, Barbie dream camper, Boxer robot toy, L.O.L. Surprise 3 in 1, Lil Gleemerz Adorbrite, and Fingerlings. Thank you, Santa!

Madison Creevan

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a giant bear. I was really good all year.

Paisley Looper

Dear Santa,

I have been trying really hard this year to be a good boy. I would really like an art set and a Batmobile for Christmas. Anything Batman will do. Thanks.

Bladen Schuh

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a Batman cave. Your friend,

Ryker Sampson

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Megatron Transformer, an Ironhide Transformer, and a Hot Wheels magic car wash. I have been good this year. Your friend,

Dean Methvin

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I would like the Grimlock, Heatwave, and Sentinel Prime Transformers. I have been very good this year. Your friend,

Carson Methvin

Dear Santa,

How are you doing in the North Pole? For Christmas I want an alarm clock, a camera, a canvas, and some chocolate frogs from Harry Potter. I have been good this year. Your friend,

Jessica Methvin

P.S. I need a new spiral notebook for school in my stocking.

Dear Santa,

I would like Rainbocorns and a Scruff-a-Luvs, and a Rescue Runts Husky Plush dog. I also wish for a Pikmi Pops Giant Flips and an American Girl Sew and Stuff DIY pillow kit. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

Will your elves please make a PlayStation, a Nintendo, and a drone? I also wish for a trike for my baby brother. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 2½ years old. I would like a hot summer day, clothes, fruit snacks, and Veggie Tales. Your friend,

Lyla Wilson

Dear Santa,

I am 4 years old. I would like PJ Masks Romeo’s Lab for Christmas. I will leave you some cookies. I would also like some Power Rangers. Your friend,

Collin Hunter

Dear Santa,

I would like Play-Doh, puzzles, and Power Rangers. Your friend,

Eli Looney

Dear Santa,

I want a puzzle, Barbie, and a picture frame. I am 6 years old. Your friend,

Kaylee Hunter

Dear Santa,

Can I have a Minnie Mouse vacuum please? I have been goof. Your friend,

Katelyn Edmundson

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a Baby Alive and an L.O.L. doll? I have been so good. We watched a movie about you. Your friend,

Addie Edmundson

Dear Santa,

What are your favorite cookies? My favorite is chocolate chip cookies. What about the reindeer? Have the reindeer been good this year? I would like Wolfgang, a Nintendo Switch and games. I would like a Springtrap toy and a Fingerling. I also think a couple of chocolate bulldozers would be yummy. Oh, and a Skylander would be great! Piñata would be his name. I’ve been good. Your friend,

Harrison Martinez

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy and would like a Mouse Trap game and a Hello Neighbor game. I would also like a Paw Patrol fire truck, police car or truck, and a tractor. Your friend,

James Kinkaid

Dear Santa,

My favorite thing is to buy socks. What is your favorite thing? I have been trying hard to be good this year. I practice sharing with my friends and brothers. It must be so cool to be a toy maker. I think that’s what I want to be when I grow up. For Christmas can I have Minecraft characters, Nerf guns, and Xbox games. Oh, or laser tag! That would be so cool! Your friend,

Jameson Levis

Dear Santa,

I love you. For Christmas I would like a doll house and dolls. I would like a doctor set and an art set. I want another pony with a leash and buttons. I want a Frozen music book, and new keys for my box. I would like diapers for my baby. I want stickers for decorating my room, three pillows, a Hot Wheels set, and a real necklace. I would like a baby Snuggie, a shirt with a real police badge, and singing bears. I wish for a new black coat with a better zipper, new long socks, and a skeleton Halloween set. I would like a new XO blanket and a new fish toy. I feel like I have been a good girl, you be the judge for Mommy. Your friend,

Christiana Ford

Dear Santa,

I wish I had a lot of dress-up things. I wish you could bring me a new jacket. I like your beard. I like your mustache. Thank you for bringing me presents. Your friend,

Sanna Bouslog

Dear Santa,

I would like a flower pillow, a movie, and a bed for my baby doll. Your friend,

Rylee Housman

Dear Santa,

I would like a baby Dora with a bottle and a bath. I would like a phone. I would like high heels. I would like an L.O.L. doll. I would like an ambulance. I would like a new kitchen toy set. I would like a Barbie doctor and a Barbie nurse. Your friend,

Candace Schlesener

Dear Santa,

I tried to be a good boy this year. I want Transformer toys. I want monsters. I want a new blanket and pillow. Your friend,

Erik King

Dear Santa,

I want a Mickey Mouse toy. Your friend,

Kasen Brown

Dear Santa,

I will be 4 years old by Christmas. I have been a good boy this year. I would like a red tractor for Christmas. Red tractors are my favorite. I will leave your milk and cookies. Thank you for my gift from last year! Your friend,

Basil Salsbury

Dear Santa,

I would like a horse for Christmas and a choo-choo train. I would like my baby brother Knox to have a train too. Merry Christmas, Santa! I also want a rabbit and a toy rabbit. I also want a Christmas present that is wrapped. I would like new winter boots for hunting deer, and binoculars to look at deer with. I want some new arrows for my bow, a bear for my target, and a rifle. Your friend,

Axl Ashlaw

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I want a robot lizard and a robot T-Rex. I have been good this year. Trixie has been at my house, and is now in my fridge. Your friend,

Easton Turk

Dear Santa,

I want a choo-choo train. I want new cars. I want a new cup to drink out of. Thank you for coming to see me for Christmas. Your friend,

Jude Bouslog

Dear Santa,

I have been pretty good this year. For Christmas this year I would like a Baby Alive doll and an L.O.L. doll. I would like an elevator for my Barbie dream house, a toy bird, and some L.O.L. dolls. I would also like some games, “the doctor will get the bones out.” I also want a toy phone, and a Barbie car for my Barbies! Thank you, Santa! Your friend,

Avery Cullumber

Dear Santa,

I am 4 years old. I would like PJ Masks Romeo Lab. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend,

Collin Hunter

Last modified Dec. 24, 2018