• Last modified 2239 days ago (Dec. 24, 2018)


MARION: Kindergarten


Taught by Debbie Allen

Dear Santa,

I love you cause you are the best and I hope you give me a Barbie doll. Have a Merry Christmas and I hope you don’t get cold. Love,

Addison Stoppel

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I like the bells on your reindeer. I would like a soft, squishy teddy bear for Christmas. Love,

Anna Carlson

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great Merry Christmas. I love you because you are so sweet to everyone. I would like a Plushy Santa for Christmas and a Toy Elf on a Shelf. Love,

Astrid Wilson

Dear Santa,

I Love you! Is your reindeer eating a lot? Is your sleigh working good? I would like a slingshot for Christmas. That’s just all I want. I have a short list this time. Love,

Austin Hoffman

Dear Santa,

What are you doing? Are you making presents? I would like a fake chihuahua for Christmas. I would like a real live make-up set. I might like a set of Frozen toys. One more thing, I would like a fake baby cat that if you push its tummy it makes meow sounds. Love,

Beatrix Madgwick

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a nice Christmas. I would like a real gun so I can shoot turkeys. I would like a real bow and arrow to shoot deer. Also I would like a real knife so I can help my dad cut the skin off of the deer. Merry Christmas Santa!

Bentley Isaac

Dear Santa,

I wish you a Merry Christmas. I would like a Barbie house so my Barbies can fit in it. I hope you have a good Christmas. I love you Santa! From,

Gabriela Nienstedt

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a Baby Born for Christmas? It does everything like a real baby would. That’s all! Ho Ho Ho, good-bye!

Hazel Bowman

Dear Santa,

I like Christmas and I like you. I also like your elves. I like to get presents from you and your elves.

I’ve mostly been good this year. I would like to get a remote control T-Rex, Pterodactyl, and Raptor. Then I would like some remote-control experiments. Thank you Santa! I love you,

Izaiah Higgins

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I would like some hunting boots for Christmas, and some hunting clothes. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love,

Jackson Hett

Dear Santa,

I hope you don’t get sick. I hope you have a good Christmas. I would like a fake horsy for Christmas. That’s all. Love,

Josie Wealand

Dear Santa,

I love you! Have a great day! Have a wonderful day! I love you! I would like a gun for Christmas and that’s all. Love,

Noah Richmond

Taught by Jessica Ensley

Dear Santa,

I help my mom clean the house. And, I would like a little live pet puppy. Love,

Brianna Wesner

Hello Santa,

I have been nice, when I see someone falling I will help them up. I would like a jeep that I can ride in. From,

Kipton Whiteman

Dear Santa,

I clean my room to help out. I want a Doc McStuffin Doll, a real bell, and a stuffed animal tiger. Love,

Emma Bryant


Sometimes I help cook dinner. I would like a watch that when you push the Lightening McQueen, it shoots off really fast. Love,

Charles Baker


Sometimes I help bring laundry up from the basement and I put it on the table. For Christmas, I want a remote control car that is Lightening McQueen. Love,

Max Smith


I’m on the nice list just because. I want a magic track. Thank you,

Zeke Ensey

Dear Santa,

If I see someone that is sad, I ask them to play with me. For Christmas, I would like to have a camera that has film that comes out of it, a telescope, and a new bike. Love,

Elle Guetterman

Dear Santa,

I help people get up and that is how I am nice. I want a fluffy bear, a stuffed animal cat, and a stuffed animal dog. Love,

Myka Amos

Dear Santa,

If someone hurts their knee really bad, I would help them back up. For Christmas, I want my own fairy garden, Hatchimal nursery, and a dolphin toy. Love,

Avery Burhoop

Dear Santa,

Can I please have another stuffed animal doggie? Rudolph is my favorite reindeer.

Thank you,

Naomi Allee


Please let me fly with you. I want a big T-Rex dinosaur toy.

Thank you,

Hunter Polchow

Hi Santa

I just wanted to say “Hi”. I want a deer gun for Christmas. I like Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Love,

Easton Hett

Taught by Katie Rahe

Dear Santa,

Can you get me a monster truck with a remote? (Cause you got to have a remote with it!) I also want a hauling truck with a trailer. Can you tell me how old Rudolph is? Thank you, Santa! Love,

Kash Emmons

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph and how old is he? I am being a good girl! Can I have a small Barbie and a motorcycle for Christmas? I also want a doll that can move her legs. I would like to see your sleigh. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love,

Lily Hett

Dear Santa,

I wish I could see Rudolph and how bright his nose really is! I also want to see your sleigh and if it is really red or if it is blue. I really want a little pony, like an American Girl pony and I would also like a new dress please. I would also like some new Princess Poppy earrings. I wish you a Merry Christmas! One more question, how old are you? Love,

Peyton Metro

Dear Santa,

I want a pink puzzle with hearts and a Barbie doll. Is it snowing at the North Pole? I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and milk for a snack. Love,

Kaylee Hunter

Dear Santa,

Are the reindeer’s doing ok? I want an X-box for Christmas. I love you Santa! Thanks for being alive! Merry Christmas!

Elijah Groening

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a Doc McStuffins doll. I have been a good girl this year. I hope Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer are doing well. Love,

Dakota Ruck

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy this year. Could you please bring me an alarm clock and a robot dog? How is Mrs. Clause doing? I will leave you muffins on the table for a snack. Love,

Julian Ford

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a Barbie and a computer. How is Rudolph doing? I hope you have safe traveling around the world! Love,


Dear Santa,

I want smelly markers for Christmas. Thank you for all the presents you have given me. Love,

Robbe Boaldin

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a Fingerling and a robot cat? How have you been this year? How old is Rudolph? Thank you for all the presents you gave all the kids. Merry Christmas! Love,

Elly Ash

Dear Santa,

I hope you give me an I-pad and an alarm clock for Christmas. Also, how old is Rudolph? Also, can you bring my dad some cowboy boots? Merry Christmas Santa!

Caleb Suffield

Dear Santa,

I want a MobiGo and a coloring box please. Can you tell me how old Rudolph the red nose reindeer is? Also, how long is your beard? I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Love,

Ruby Schmidt

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like AAA batteries and a Paw Patrol Chase watch. Also, a tool kit with more tools. How bright is Rudolph’s nose and how old is he? Merry Christmas and thank you! Love,

Dean Methvin

Dear Santa,

I would like for you to bring me a football. I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa. Have a safe trip. Love,

Rylin Funk

Last modified Dec. 24, 2018