• Last modified 901 days ago (Aug. 25, 2022)


Marion increases tax levy despite protest, delayed notices

Staff writer

Only one member of the public — former council member Jerry Dieter — spoke out Monday about Marion’s plan to raise its tax levy.

Dieter told city council members his taxes would increase $312 a year, which he called a “really big jump for being ‘revenue-neutral.’ ”

In fact, the levy is not revenue neutral and represents a 5.814% levy increase.

After all taxing entities take their share, Dieter’s taxes will increase a total of about $484 a year, or just more than $40 a month.

“I’m on a fixed income,” he said. “That’s a pretty good chunk of money. I very strongly object to that.”

Between the various taxing entities, “it’s out of hand,” he said.

City council members nevertheless voted 4-0 to approve the levy increase and the city’s 2023 budget with no discussion. Ruth Herbel did not attend the meeting. She is recovering from surgery.

No mention was made that notices required to be given to taxpayers 10 days in advance of their meeting arrived only seven days in advance.

Last modified Aug. 25, 2022