• Last modified 1398 days ago (March 25, 2021)


Marion couple arrested in Hillsboro drug bust

Marion residents Janet and Kevin Geren, along with Salina resident Bruce Richardson, were arrested Monday night by Hillsboro police.

Officer John Huebert said he spotted Kevin Geren’s van at D and Adam Sts. about 8:30 p.m. with no tag light and a broken windshield. He called for a sheriff’s department drug dog to be brought to Hillsboro. Methamphetamine, suspected heroin, THC, and drug paraphernalia reportedly were found in a backpack belonging to Richardson, Huebert said. Huebert said other charges could be filed against the three, all of whom have have been arrested previously on drug or domestic battery charges.

The Gerens’ Marion property was cleaned up Jan. 20 by the city after more than a year of wrangling involving the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Last modified March 25, 2021