• Last modified 2244 days ago (Dec. 23, 2018)


MARION: 3rd grade

Third Grade

Taught by Shannon Cooper

Dear Santa,

I want a Squeezamals big, please. I want a Scruff-a-Luv, please. I hope I am on the good list. Have a good time. Your friend,

Emma Jean

Dear Santa,

I would like a bike and Poppy Robot. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

Please, it has been my dream to have a pet of my own. I really want to buy a hedgehog, but I don’t have enough money. So I just wanted to ask if maybe, just maybe, you could lend me some money so I could buy a hedgehog. It just has to be enough that I can buy the hedgehog a cage, and some food and water, and maybe some toys for her. Your friend,

Sybil R. Bowman

Dear Santa,

Hi! I was just wondering how you and the reindeer were doing. Oh, I almost forgot my Christmas list. I want a rifle and hunting gear and ammo, hoverboard, toy Fortnite scar, Hot Wheels, and a baseball bat. And that’s it. I have been very good. Your friend,

Tristan Kinchen

Dear Santa,

I know you gave me some money for Zoey, but could I have one more little thing? I would like to have a camera that is black. And just so you know, for our family gift, my mom was wanting a hot tub. I know it might not happen, but it probably will because you are Santa Claus. Your friend,

Caileigh Ann Johnson

Dear Santa,

How are you? I am fine. I’ve been good. But I’m naughty sometimes. I try not to be bad. I’m good most of the time but sometimes my sisters are mean to me, so I yell at them. Just remember, I am good most of the time. For Christmas, I would LOVE to have a pink jeep for my American Girl doll, and I want the jeep doors to open and shut. I would also want a trailer for my doll’s horse. I want the back of it to open so she can go in the trailer. Can the trailer have windows that open and shut and pink flowers by the windows? Can I have the fourth and fifth Key Hunters? PLEASE, can I have an Elf on the Shelf? I don’t care if it’s a boy or girl. I just really want one. So how are the reindeer? Tell them I will leave out carrots. I have to go. Have a good Christmas. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I got the video you sent to me and Skylar. Our elves took some sheetrock, a long piece, and made a slide. My Aunt Lala’s dog ate her retired elves. The dog’s name is Maly. Maly got in Big trouble then. This year I would like a science kit, art supplies, and a guitar. How can you get around the world in one night, and how many cookies can you eat in one night? You must go to 800 houses. How can you do it? Your friend,

Brooklynn Ottensmeier

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. How are you? I would like the Nerf Retaliator, Nerf Thunderhawk, Nerf Infinus, Nerf Scavenger, RC stunt car, chemical kit, science kit, medic kit, and I would like your elves to build a light-up Packers sign (a big one). Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I want a swimming pool, clothes, new bridle, new reins, a glitter barrel saddle, an art kit, lots and lots of art stuff, science kit, Baby Alive, my very own laptop, zipline, accessories for my tree house, a Goomy Creator, and the series of Key Hunters. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been really good this year, so I now would like a Xbox One X, gaming chair, and lots of other stuff. I will leave the note next to the cookies and milk. My sister has been really good this year, too. She wants a baby doll, spirit kit, new bed, new TV, new dresser. I also want a dirtbike, skateboard, scooter, Hot Wheels, and that’s all. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

Are you real? Please tell me if you are real. My wish list is an L.O.L. Surprise Mansion, and lots of paper. Christmas is not about presents. It’s about Jesus! Sorry if I told you that. I was good this year. Not naughty. Have you had a lot of cookies? Are you nervous (Circle yes or no)? Tell me that my entire class was good. Can’t wait for Christmas. I’m happy you are coming to my house. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I’ve been good this year. I want a paint horse, go-cart, fish, horse books, clothes, swimming pool, fake food, tea set, zipline, rope ladder, trap door, sandbox, slide, swing, and wood. Thank you for all the presents. I love you. You are very nice to me. We will have cookies and milk for you. I have lots of friends. They love the presents that you give them. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

Hi. I have been good this year and I really want an Alienware PC (two monitors), Google Pixle 3D, games for my Xbox One, Adidas red socks, Under Armour sweat pants, Xbox, $50 gift card, and clothes. Thank you. Your friend,

Myles Ash

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Hatchimals, L.O.L.s, Humphrey books, and a climbing wall for my Hamster Pumpkin. I would also like the Mysterious Benedict Society series. I’m only on the first book, but I can already tell that I’m gonna love the series. Have a Merry Christmas! Your friend,

Reagan Cooper

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the gifts that you give us. I would like to have a KidiBuzz, Pomzies, books, coloring kit, bracelet, and necklace. We have an elf that came on Dec. 2 or 3. We named him Skippy. We looked for him. When we found him, he spelled, I’m back with red and green minions. He wrote my brother and me a note. I bet you are working hard. Every year you work for Christmas. I hope you have a holly, jolly Christmas this year! Your friend,

Brylee Smith

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want Hot Wheel cars and Nintendo Switch, Slugtera Plush, Slugtera Slug It Out, Pokémon cards, books, and Yokie Media. I want Cars 3 track and cars, Minecraft toys, clothes, and Plants vs. Zombies toys. Have a good night, Santa. I love you and what you do. Is Mrs. Claus a good wife? If she is, give her a present. Just a suggestion. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want craft stuff, American Girl doll things, kinetic sand, Lego Friend sets, and a tiny little hamster. I will leave you milk and cookies, but I will probably have to hide them a little so my cat won’t get the milk. Your friend,

Shelby Summervill

Dear Santa,

This year I would love a real dog and maybe a hot water bottle. Merry Christmas. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I would like a remote control car that can drive in water, dirt, and rocks. I would also like a Lego Star Wars Yoda, and Starfighter. Oh, and I would like an alarm clock with a night light on it. I would like to have a boy hamster and I would like an Xbox, too. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I want a Lego City video game for an Xbox 360. Your friend,


Taught by Sarah Tolessa

Dear Santa,

I love you very much. You give presents and sometimes you help sick people with giving presents. Not like the Nightmare before Christmas.

Kaden Smith

Dear Santa,

I probably should be on the naughty list here lately. I have been bad. But I will be nice until the 25th. So about that, can I get on the nice list? I like basketball and a Fitbit that has music on it. I will leave a present for Mrs. Claus and you too. But yours is a treat. By the way do you like doughnuts? Because I will give you doughnuts. Bye Santa.


Dear Santa,

I have been a very good girl I think. I haven’t fought with my sister and brother a lot. I was wondering how the reindeer are? I have a very little list this year. What I want is an IPhone 6, a weighted baby doll with his or her eyes open, clothes, a remote control car. That’s all. I will try to leave some cookies by the tree. Well, beware, our chimney is very dirty. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful flight.

Abree Ensey

Dear Santa Claus,

I tried to be nice. Am I on the nice list or naughty? I’d have a long list in the most thing I want is an Xbox. How is Rudolph and the other reindeer? How do you get into houses when there are no chimney? How are the elves and Mrs. Claus? Who’s house are you going to first? I hope you have a great trip to everyone’s house this year. How many toys did the elves make this year? Have a happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Dear Santa,

I did some bad things this year. I did two bad things which I really don’t want to explain though. So I don’t deserve a Christmas toy this year. I really, really want a Hatchimal for Christmas, please. I’ve been begging for one from my parents but my mom doesn’t have any money though.


Dear Santa,

I’ve been on the nice list this year How are you this year? How is Rudolph? I’ve made a long list this year. I want a Nerf gun, IPad, Lego Star Wars, and old Chevy toy truck, phone, laptop, a big grain truck and then a Big John Deere tractor. Give Rudolph a big kiss from me. Merry Christmas. Your old pal,

Jay Depler

Dear Santa,

Have I been nice? If I get a coal I won’t be surprised. If I am on the nice list, can I have a Zike please? And here are some more things I really want. A camera at Wal-Mart for $49. I have a few questions. Is Rudolph’s nose still red? Are the reindeer good? How do you get around the world so fast? Can you tell Rudolph to shine his nose in my window?

Ember Kining

Dear Santa,

I had been both naughty and nice. Thank you for the presents last year. This year a few things I would like, #1 gift I would love is a PS4 card. Santa, how do you get in my home? I have always wondered. Love,

Brody Coleman

Dear Santa,

I hope I will be on the nice list this year. One thing I really want is a wolf blanket and a stuffed animal. Can I have that? How are your elves?


Dear Santa,

I have been a little naughty, I hope you don’t mind. My elf Elvie has been really good. She is so nice. How have you been doing and your reindeer? If I have been good could you maybe if you get me a hover board? You don’t have to but I want that to be my only gift this year if you could get it and if you can I would like some bath bombs. I will give Elvie some pictures of the hover board that I want. How do elves write? Elvie has really good handwriting. And how do you get around the world in one night? And one more thing. Do the elves make presents?


Dear Santa,

I have tried to be nice this year. I hope that I am on the nice list this year. For Christmas I would like lava lamps, a mirror, a box of color pencils and a hammer and nails. I’d like to know some information please. How do you get around the world in one night? And how are the reindeer? Thank you for all you do.

Jessica Methvin

Dear Santa,

I have been really nice this year. Hey Santa, how is Rudolph? Is he good? Has the other reindeer been nice? Santa, can you tell Rudolph I said Hi? Santa, can you get me a toy sword? Santa, can you get me a sleigh please? Santa, I am going to give you cookies. Santa, I am going to give the reindeer carrots. And I’m going to have a nice Christmas. And that’s all I have to say. So Bye, Santa and can I have a pool and a ninja suite please. Santa, now bye.

Grant Wilson

Dear Santa,

I have been very good and my brother has been too. I’ve been good for mom and dad. I’ve made a very long list this year. Can I please have an IPad, laptop, IPhone 7, pink mermaid tail, pool, goggles, real gun and a pink desk? Your friend,

Tiana Jo Taylor

Dear Santa,

I’ve been very nice this year. I have a very long list. If it’s not too late can I have a lot of air soft guns and a new 500 horse power go cart motor? I will leave carrots or the reindeer and cookies by the stove.

Colt Smith

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I been good because all I do of my chores and I do not wake up my brothers. I wake up my parents quietly. I made a list that I want for Christmas Santa. I want a go cart for Christmas. I will leave cookies for Santa. How is Rudolph doing with the reindeer? I love Christmas. Love,


Dear Santa,

I have tried to be nice this year. I hope I am on the nice list this year. For Christmas there are a few things I would like. The thing I would like the most of is Lego friends sets. I also would like American Girl doll stuff, Bitty Baby stuff also. I would like little coloring pages. I was wondering how you travel all of the world? I have one thing I also would like is a computer that is purple and has my name on top. Can you please give all of the reindeer hugs for me?

Kate Wessel

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy this year. You know I have not fought with my sisters. Some things I’d like for Christmas are the Lego Death Star, Pokémon cards, a Nerf walky talky set, a mini four wheeler. Just to let you know our chimney has a thing that is black so just come through the front door. How are the reindeer? Is Rudolph keeping his nose shiny? I hope to hear him on the roof.

Isaac Wesner

Last modified Dec. 23, 2018