• Last modified 2468 days ago (May 10, 2018)


Man dies despite EMS response

A 21-year-old rural Florence man died Monday after he was discovered unresponsive in his yard by his father.

Dale Buller, who lives at 739 Vista Rd., about a 7½-mile drive southwest of Florence, called dispatchers at about 9:30 p.m. to report that upon returning home, he found his son, Brent, on the ground in the yard and unresponsive.

Florence ambulance was dispatched immediately, with Marion ambulance and sheriff’s deputies responding as backup. When dispatchers reported CPR was being administered, a Marion ambulance attendant requested Florence firefighters respond to assist with chest compressions.

A sheriff’s deputy at the scene requested a Lifeteam helicopter be sent to St. Luke Hospital as Marion ambulance left the Buller residence at 10:30 p.m.

Still several miles south of Marion, the ambulance requested a police escort be waiting to expedite a speedy arrival at St. Luke.

The ambulance reached St. Luke at 10:50 p.m., and Brent Buller was pronounced dead minutes later, shortly before a Lifeteam helicopter arrived.

Last modified May 10, 2018