Lost Springs prowler under investigation by county
A Monday night report of a prowler outside a Lost Springs home sent deputies and a Hillsboro officer to search in the dark for the prowler.
Sheriff Rob Craft said the caller told 911 operators she’d seen a man on her property after dark and told him to leave. He did leave, but when she came outside with a gun to confront the prowler, she saw he had returned and was carrying a gun also.
She described the prowler as 6’5” tall and dressed in blue jeans and a gray flannel shirt.
Craft said officers searched the area thoroughly, but did not find anyone matching the prowler’s description.
“We looked everywhere,” Craft said.
Nobody else has made a similar report, but Craft said anyone who sees somebody behaving in a suspicious manner should call 911 and deputies will come right away.
Last modified Aug. 30, 2018