• Last modified 2289 days ago (Nov. 8, 2018)


Local churches team up to combat poverty

Intern writer

For many years, the Association of Churches has worked to lower poverty rates in Peabody.

Recently, they have partnered with Circles, a national non-profit organization dedicated to reducing poverty in communities.

The program offers educational programs and exercises to help people understand how poverty effects them and their communities, and how to help those in need.

“We have a huge problem with poverty in Peabody,” First Baptist Church pastor Rodger Charles said.

The Circles program is centered around community members who fall below a set line for income, called the poverty line. These people are known as Circle leaders. With the help of volunteers, known as allies, leaders learn how to pull themselves and their families out poverty through education and strategic planning.

On Oct. 29, the association awarded a $240 check to Ashlee Gann of Families and Communities Together, who is responsible for Circles of Marion County finances, in order to purchase workbooks for the Peabody program.

According to the datausa website, as of 2016, 17.5 percent of Peabody residents live in poverty. The average household income is $10,000 lower than the county average.

“They just get stuck in a cycle,” Gann said.

The group meets at 6 p.m. Wednesdays at United Methodist Church. A meal is provided, followed by a class on stopping poverty.

Last modified Nov. 8, 2018